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We're Celebrating on World Malaria Day!

Today is World Malaria Day! For many people, it's just another day, but at Rising Village we're celebrating because three families in Dumakyi, Ghana have received bedding. They join nine other families in nearby villages who are now sleeping safe under bed nets.

Last week, two Rising Village interns in Ankaase, Ghana walked through their home village and the village of Nantan to visit families and assess the bedding they were given. We wanted to be certain the families were still using the bed nets and answer any questions they might have about their use. The other purpose of these visits was to make sure families were free of malarial symptoms. Several of the children in these families used to complain of malarial symptoms, but since receiving the nets have had none. Eight of the nine families were regularly using the bed nets. For these families, the nets have made a real difference in their lives. Not only are they sleeping safe, but they understand the importance of using the bed nets and protecting themselves and their children from the mosquitos that carry the parasite that causes malaria. We don't distrubute bedding and then walk away from our families. Our assessments, education, and encouragement will continue throughout the year, as we seek to improve the health practices of families in the villages where we work.

So today we're celebrating. Three more families will sleep safe because donors have given generously to supply bed frames, mattresses and bed nets. If you wonder whether your donation to Rising Village really does change stories, we want to assure you that it does!

You can continue to change stories by giving to a family in need of safe sleep. Visit our website to learn more.

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