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Educate Girls

We are so proud of these two young ladies! In April, Philomena and Dorcas took their high school entrance exams and are now waiting to find out where they will attend high school. Both students have had a year full of changes and challenges. There have been several times when we were praying they didn't give up and quit - it would have been so easy. But they have continued attending school, working hard, and moving toward their dream of finishing their education. It's difficult for many girls in this part of the world to feel like they are worthy of dreaming big. The message is often that boys have more opportunities anyway, so parents or caregivers shouldn't spend the money they barely have to send girls to school. And when those students are orphaned and live with relatives who are struggling to care for their own children, school is often not an option.

On the day this photo was taken, the students in our Education program were making Christmas cards for their sponsors (yes, we're preparing for Christmas early this year). The smiles on the girls' faces brought smiles to ours. Please send up a prayer (or two) for these two very special young ladies. We believe in them and we know if they are given the opportunity, they can rise high!

If you would like to learn more about our Senior High Scholarship fund and how you can help send Philomena and Dorcas to high school, click here.

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