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Packing It Up!


We are three days away from boarding our plane, and the bags are (mostly) packed. I'm not a last-minute packer when it comes to our Ghana trips. There are too many supplies that have to be organized and weighed and inventoried. Procrastinating would inevitably mean that something gets forgotten and we can't take that chance. Our team of six includes Jennifer, Kelsey, Mark, Marissa, Kyle and Lisa (me). I'll be blogging our trip right here on the Rising Village website. We're calling this a vision trip, because even though we will be busy building relationships with families in our programs, the real purpose of the trip is to give travelers (which include board member, interns, supporters and partners) a vision for the mission and the needs in the villages where we work. We want people to see up close why it is so important to provide apprenticeships to at-risk women and education to children who have been orphaned. We communicate this through our social media outlets, presentations, one-on-one meetings, and also through our pop-up stores. But the best way to learn how meetings these needs preserves families and helps villages rise, is to actually be in the villages.

So for five days we will travel to five of the villages where we work and introduce this very special team to the Rising Village families. And we're inviting you to travel along with us. We hope to provide you with a virtual vision trip as we post on this blog, our Facebook page, and Instagram. As always, however, we must throw in the caveat that this all depends on Wifi, so we hope for the best connection possible while we are in Ankaase.

Bookmark this blog to travel along with us as we Rise and Go to Ghana on Wednesday, June 3. Let's share the adventure together!

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